GPP Extreme Pressure Provides Waterjet Infrastructure

GPP offers highly engineered basic elements of any waterjet infrastructure, tubing, fittings, and valves. Ordinary plumbing systems can be successfully created with components available from hundreds of parts vendors. However, in high pressure systems, the source of componentry does make a difference. With GPP’s expertise in metallurgy, machining, and high-pressure engineering, you are assured of quality parts that will provide longevity and safety.  The GPP extreme pressure brand has been developed to meet the waterjet OEM’s reliability requirements.

Tubing, fittings, and valves are available in pressure ranges of 20,000 to 100,000 psi and sizes including ¼”, 3/8” and 9/16”. GPP also offers adapters in these pressure and size ranges for most every conceivable combination of size, pressure rating and gender.

In recent years, the availability of tubing has become an uncertainty due to fluctuations in material sources. GPP is partnering with a tubing mill, which will produce product exclusively for GPP. This new tubing has been evaluated under tri-axial fatigue to insure the best reliability on the market. This product will be marketed under the Extreme Life 70 and Extreme Life 100 names. Testing has shown the life to be twice the current standard tubing on the market. This new line of tubing will help stabilize the tubing market and give customers peace of mind that the tubing they need will be available when the need arises.

The GPP tube test facility is capable of testing 0 psi to 62,000 psi 325 times per minute. It will evaluate 6 samples at a time as seen in the graph below.

GPP extreme pressures’ first task was to conduct fatigue life testing to help with the 304 versus 316 tubing material decision. The 3/8 hp tubing was chosen for this testing. The result of this testing shows that the average 304 tubing supplies 46% decrease in life. However, the 304 will typically cost 30% less. With this information along with prompt cost information, the customer can make informed choices in which material make the most sense for their operation. In addition, GPP Extreme Pressure can offer fatigue life improvement processing to further support the customer’s requirements.